Title and some sub-text should make it more clear what this calculator is for.
RRSP vs GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement)
Are you a low income Canadian approaching retirement?
Do you have some of your savings in an RRSP?
If you answered yes to these that, keeping your savings in that RRSP (registered retirement savings plan) post retirement may be affecting the amount of GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement) you're entitled to. Use this calculator to find out.
Title and some sub-text should make it more clear what this calculator is for.
RRSP vs GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement)
If you answered yes to these that, keeping your savings in that RRSP (registered retirement savings plan) post retirement may be affecting the amount of GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement) you're entitled to. Use this calculator to find out.
Custom icons as bullets for list: https://iconmonstr.com/check-mark-14-svg/ https://codepen.io/j_holtslander/pen/bpjZRy