danieladov / jellyfin-plugin-themesongs

Downloads TV Show Theme Songs for your library
MIT License
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[Bug] Icon hides self after done playing, also not visible on Desktop client (non-Flatkrap, Linux) #29

Closed OdinVex closed 1 year ago

OdinVex commented 1 year ago

The icon that normally shows in flatkrap versions of the Jellyfin Player is not visible on the non-flatkrap versions (Desktop, Linux). It also immediately hides itself after it is done playing an intro, making it impossible to open the controls for it.

OdinVex commented 1 year ago

(I believe you've used the Media Player for Music to do all of this...?)

danieladov commented 1 year ago

The playing of the theme song is done by jellyfin itself, not by this plugin

OdinVex commented 1 year ago

The playing of the theme song is done by jellyfin itself, not by this plugin

A Jellyfin bug, thank you for clarifying.