danielamitay / DAKeyboardControl

DAKeyboardControl adds keyboard awareness and scrolling dismissal (ala iMessages app) to any view with only 1 line of code.
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Can't add self as subview #101

Open imnotok opened 8 years ago

imnotok commented 8 years ago

'DAKeyboardControl.m' line 553, column 1 with start address 0x0000000100215854

Sometimes it will crash here

CavalcanteLeo commented 8 years ago

im getting the same crash

captura de tela 2016-07-21 as 17 48 03

michaelMaoMao commented 7 years ago

Maybe it`s pushing 2 VC at same time, which cause the pushing animation problem, refer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19560198/ios-app-error-cant-add-self-as-subview and you may find solution on this : http://lengmolehongyan.github.io/blog/2015/10/30/cant-add-self-as-subview-beng-kui-jie-jue-ban-fa/

just make sure the there is one VC on transition progress at same time,.