Open edgarbar2 opened 6 years ago
Hi @edgarbar2,
Thanks for the report.
I had to disable Gutenberg because those pages using Insert PHP stopped working. They show nothing without reporting any error.
Can you describe in greater detail what you mean by "stopped working"? Do you mean that Gutenberg wouldn't load, the frontend page wouldn't load, or both? And by "show nothing", do you mean that you get an entirely blank page or something else?
When active Gutenberg, in back-end interface the page is all right, the code is load in a block. The error is in the execute frontend the page show only the header, menus, footer and another additional content, but not show the content area, the block is empty.
The error is in the execute frontend the page show only the header, menus, footer and another additional content, but not show the content area, the block is empty.
Can you share a screenshot of this? As well as the content you have in the editor?
This is the code: `[insert_php] / >>>css<<< / echo '
/ >>>carga de los pods Norma Legal<<< / $bo = pods( 'boletnoficial' );
/ >>> contrucción del formulario <<< /; echo '[su_box title="Filtro para Boletines Oficiales" box_color="#813788" radius="0"]
[/su_box]'; /* ******************************************* */ /* >>>búsqueda<<< */; $bus = 't.post_status IN ("publish")'; $bus .= ( $_POST['boletin_oficial'] <> "" ) ? ' and bolenumero.meta_value ="'. $_POST['boletin_oficial'].'"' : ""; $orden = 'bole_fecha DESC'; $params = array ( 'limit' => 10 , 'where'=> $bus, 'orderby'=> $orden); $bo->find($params); echo 'Se han encontrado '.$bo->total_found().' Boletines Oficiales
'; while ( $bo->fetch() ) { echo ' BOLETÍN Nº '.$bo->display ( 'bolenumero' ).' - Fecha de Publicación '.date_i18n("d", strtotime($bo->field( 'bole_fecha' ))).'/'.date_i18n("m", strtotime($bo->field( 'bole_fecha' ))).'/'.date_i18n("Y", strtotime($bo->field( 'bole_fecha' ))).' '; echo '
I have a site where I use Pods ( that up to now works perfectly with Gutenberg and some pages programming in php, for this I use the Insert PHP plugin (https: // I had to disable Gutenberg because those pages using Insert PHP stopped working. They show nothing without reporting any error.