danielberkompas / ex_twilio

Twilio API client for Elixir
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Add emergency_address_status to IncomingPhoneNumber #165

Closed sgtpepper43 closed 2 years ago

sgtpepper43 commented 2 years ago

Twilio's in the process of deprecating emergency_status on IncomingPhoneNumbers (see https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/sip/api/emergency-calling-api). emergency_status will still be present, but will always be active, and they're adding an Emergency Address Status parameter to more or less take its place. This is just adding that field.

The problem though is that they're not returning it yet, nor is it in the official REST api docs for IncomingPhoneNumber. So we can't really test it. We've just got a couple references to Emergency Address Status to go off of. They're making the change on October 6th, but I've reached out to Twilio to see if they plan on sending the field back or updating their docs ahead of that.

So, we can either assume it'll work and go ahead and merge this, wait to see if Twilio updates some stuff, or just wait until October 6th when it will for sure be testable. That's all up to you, I just wanted to get this PR out ahead of the change so that when it does happen, updating to the new way of handling emergency calling will be quick.

sgtpepper43 commented 2 years ago

Got an update from Twilio, so October 6th is definitely the earliest we'd be able to actually test this. But I got some reassurances that emergency_address_status will definitely be the field, so, we're basically in the same state we were before, besides that it feels less risky to merge before the 6th (though we still can't test it until then).

sgtpepper43 commented 2 years ago

Alright it's officially in: https://www.twilio.com/changelog/changes-to-the-emergency-calling-api, and I did some api requests and emergency_address_status is coming back

sgtpepper43 commented 2 years ago

We started needing to add more things, and forgot that this branch was tied to this PR, but I'm just gonna close the PR instead of pulling those commits out since it's looking like we're going to have to keep going with my fork 🤷