danielbohannon / Invoke-Obfuscation

PowerShell Obfuscator
Apache License 2.0
3.59k stars 759 forks source link

May fail on non-ENUS windows installations #22

Closed ilgrank closed 6 years ago

ilgrank commented 6 years ago

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for this awesome project!

One of the 'scrambling' option uses char index of $Env:Public to compose 'IEX': $InvokeExpressionSyntax += $InvocationOperator + "($env:Public[13]+$env:Public[5]+'x')" the problem is, that on ENUS $Env:Public resolves to "C:\Users\Public" ->IEX on ITIT it resolves to "C:\Profili\Public" -> BOX

so the encode commands get an 1inN chance to not be working on non-ENUS windows.

danielbohannon commented 6 years ago

Thanks for pointing out this regional value difference. This invocation option has been commented out in a24aca7e8d245c74ce8b52bc2773b3433673b643 for more stable compatibility.