danielbrendel / hortusfox-web

Self-hosted collaborative plant management and tracking system for plant enthusiasts
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Question: Does anyone have config files for nginx or apache setups for hortusfox #220

Closed brianw777 closed 5 months ago

brianw777 commented 5 months ago

I have the site working with the internal server but want to set this up alongside my grocy install on a vps and I am having trouble getting things to work with both nginx and apache2.

With nginx I have everything working (it seems anyway) except the admin page (well plant history isn't working but I am pretty sure that is just a db issue). When I click on the tabs the location bar shows the admin?tab= but the view stays on the Environment tab.

With apache2 I can bring up the main page but can't go to any other pages. All I get is page not found when selecting anything else.

If someone could point me to some documentation I can read I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance, Brian

danielbrendel commented 5 months ago

I haven't worked with nginx yet, so I can't say anything about it. But I have worked with apache on Ubuntu. Can you post your VirtualHost config?

Here is an example:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/public

    <Directory "/var/www/html/public">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all


It's important that you link to the /public directory, not the project root directory. Also you need to set AllowOverride All so the .htaccess can be used.

brianw777 commented 5 months ago


My apache2 config is just a very basic couple of lines from a simple example. I'll investigate the AllowOverride and work on getting the config right while waiting for the next release to come out. I can use the internal server while I am testing things so it isn't a big deal. I'll keep working at it.

With the self hosted web app grocy I worked on it 2 weeks with lighttpd before figuring out that it was lighttpd that was just to limited for it so switched to nginx. Now with nginx so dependant on external programs I may have to focus on apache.

I know this is configuration on my end and has nothing to do with hortusfox.

Thanks again, Brian

(I've taken up way too much of your time, sorry for that)

brianw777 commented 5 months ago

Using the information you provided I still couldn't get it to work but it turns out I hadn't activated the rewrite mod. Once I did that, along with the changes from your information, it worked just fine.

sudo a2enmod rewrite

Thanks again for being patient with me and providing so much information.

Regards, Brian