danielcardeenas / sulla

👩🏻‍🔬 Javascript Whatsapp api library for chatbots
MIT License
1.27k stars 271 forks source link

Problem on start in Ubuntu #367

Open chitogamer96 opened 4 years ago

chitogamer96 commented 4 years ago


lhgrigio commented 4 years ago

This is not an issue with Sulla, but with a lib required by puppeteer (libX11-xcb.so.1).

If this is a CLI only server, that might be the reason for the missing libs from X11, you can try to install the missing packages manually, the exacts ones will change depending on your OS version, this is an example:


joedutra commented 4 years ago

the repository is deprecated use

Install npm i @s2click/venom https://github.com/s2click/venom