danielcardeenas / whatsapp-framework

⚗️Whatsapp python api
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InvalidMessage or KeyId for XXXXXXXX, going to send a retry #234

Closed kaykyr closed 5 years ago

kaykyr commented 5 years ago

After I log in using my credentials I get a ton of this messages, now, is nothing working anymore...

Anyone knows how to fix it?


x-frst commented 5 years ago

Just leave it started for at least 4-5 hours after cleaning ./clean.sh and it'll send the load once and then it'll work again normally... Happened with me too just make sure when your bot is not running then don't send messages to bot else again this problem may occur

kaykyr commented 5 years ago

I did try it, but don't work... It don't make sense.

x-frst commented 5 years ago

The last option is to register on official WhatsApp and re-register on Yowsup..

If you're new you don't know that this kind of Problems are so common

kaykyr commented 5 years ago

Yeah! I am new with WhatsApp bots.

So, let me try to understand: if I get a new number, all I need to do is keep the service working and I'll be safe from this warning?

This problem will happen only if I receive messages when my bot is not running, right?

x-frst commented 5 years ago

Yes, whoever is using your bot tell or request them to don't use your bot when it is turned off! This will prevent this type of situation otherwise there is a way to avoid this update your __init__.py and disable all modules start your bot again and disconnect it again then next time you'll not get this error

modcastro commented 5 years ago

It's common after first start number banned, even sent a message ?


kaykyr commented 5 years ago

@AmitGamingKing Thanks a lot! I'll make some tests with a new number. @modcastro It's common if you are running on a server/vps, try to use residential proxies or run on your own network. I had 4 numbers banned because I was running on a dedicated server.

modcastro commented 5 years ago

Thanks @kaykyr , I'll test with proxy. Have you activated new numbers by the system or activated by the cell phone and brought to python?

I'm looking for some API to communicate with this system, have you ever seen anything?

Thank you again.

x-frst commented 5 years ago

@modcastro firstly stay on official WhatsApp for at least 1 week then register your number on yowsup you'll not get banned! Also make sure to receive messages only from them who are in the config.py contact list! I'm running my bot from 5 months for 24 hours (hosted on AWS)

kaykyr commented 5 years ago

@AmitGamingKing It is possible to add incoming new contacts to the contact list? My proposal for this bot is for contact online from visitors to request free trial on my online services.

kaykyr commented 5 years ago

@modcastro Yeah! I have a API for Yowsup, have webservice too. Contact me on WhatsApp: +5575991897055

x-frst commented 5 years ago

@kaykyr yes you can do it by some file operations just you've to edit the file & check that the contact is existed in the list or not, if not then add it with his/her number & name... It's easy but currently I'm finding that after adding someone's contact then we've to restart the bot or not to sync the new added contacts?

kaykyr commented 5 years ago

@AmitGamingKing Yes! I think if we run contacts synchronisation from Yowsup Library we can get success without restart the bot.

x-frst commented 5 years ago

Yes but I don't know how to do that

jhonarodriguez commented 5 years ago

The synchronization of contacts must do it automatically to avoid being reset the button if they manually add a number in the config.py

To do this, obviously you must have a knowledge of python, and perform a recursive function that runs in X time, you would not have to save the files in config.py but in a database where they consume it in the X time given previously and calling the function:

self.stack.setProp (MacLayer.PROP_CONTACTS, list (config.contacts.keys ()))

All this must be done in the run.py and at the same time of execution.

x-frst commented 5 years ago

@elchory96 Thanks for telling this! But unfortunately my number just got banned! Was running from exactly 5 months I thought it's safe now but I don't know this happened suddenly! But anyways this number was nice it supported me for 5 months not like my other numbers who get banned just after 4 days lol

jhonarodriguez commented 5 years ago

Did you do something to get banned? update any file or when some user sent a specific message to your bot?

x-frst commented 5 years ago

@elchory96 as in my previous issue I told u my bot wasn't running so I re-registered on yowsup 3 times I guess possible reason is that only...