danielcardeenas / whatsapp-framework

⚗️Whatsapp python api
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Not Run Framework :-( #248

Open rgchurion opened 5 years ago

rgchurion commented 5 years ago

Hi, few days ago framework stoped, i reboot the server and re-run it with: ./start.sh and i catch the follow problem:

root@whatsapp:~/whatsapp-framework# ./start.sh [Whatsapp] Mac started

Auth Error, reason not-authorized root@whatsapp:~/whatsapp-framework#

I have been working very well, I have not logged in on any other device, I have not updated, I have not made any option, what could have happened ?, whatsapp would update something on their servers to prevent us from using this framework?

jesusvalverde commented 5 years ago

Had the same issues...I could be a "non activity" so the Whatsapp shut it down. Also, do you have the number, the sim is yours , not and old number that you do not pay and the company took it back so it can be registed by other user.

What I do with my beta bot is I have a cron to send text betwem them [Ramdom text every 10 minutes], so I do keep them bussy and alive.

I do have like 3 runing in the same server so its easy to make a cron over it