danielchyeh / this-is-my

Official This-Is-My Dataset published in CVPR 2023
Apache License 2.0
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Issues in downloading some videos #3

Open bpiyush opened 7 months ago

bpiyush commented 7 months ago

Dear authors,

Great work!

While downloading the videos, I saw that some videos fail to download because they are age-restricted. Do you have a workaround for this?

pytube.exceptions.AgeRestrictedError: _a2GpAq8q8g is age restricted, and can't be accessed without logging in.


danielchyeh commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your positive feedback!

Regarding the restricted videos issue, we're aware of it. Some of the videos we initially collected later acquired restrictions, making them inaccessible without logging in. We are actively working on updating the dataset by filtering out videos that are no longer usable due to age restrictions, deletions, or changes in privacy settings.

soroushseifi commented 1 month ago

Hi, is there any update this ? python download_video.py --MODE 'train'

results in a urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request error which seem to be related to the age restriction problem.

Fix: Anyone having this issue should manually update their pytube code. check here: Step 1 Step2

danielchyeh commented 1 month ago

@soroushseifi Thank you for the feedback, the codebase is just updated by setting up and importing the local pytube. It should work now.