danielcirket / OpenEventSourcing

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Bugfix: Flaky tests #35

Closed danielcirket closed 3 years ago

danielcirket commented 4 years ago

OpenEventSourcing.EntityFrameworkCore.Tests.Stores.EventStore.EventStoreTests.WhenStoreContainsEventsThenGetAsyncWithOffsetShouldReturnExpectedEvents with error: Expected page.Events.Count() to be 17L, but found 18L.

Currently sharing the InMemory store across these tests which are ran in parallel so this is a simple fix

OpenEventSourcing.RabbitMQ.Tests.Connections.Connection.FinalizerTests.WhenConnectionFinalizedThenClosedConnectionShouldNotBeReturnedToPool [FAIL] with error Expected value to be 0, but found 1.

OpenEventSourcing.RabbitMQ.Tests.Connections.Connection.FinalizerTests.WhenConnectionFinalizedThenOpenConnectionShouldBeReturnedToPool with error Expected value to be 1, but found 0.

Don't seem to be able to reliably test the finalizer on the pool so might be worth either removing or adding a "flaky" tag to the tests