danielcranney / profileme-dev

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GitHub Top Languages bug :bug: #102

Open AntonioBerna opened 1 year ago

AntonioBerna commented 1 year ago

There is a bug in the preview section when we add the GitHub Top Languages. Specifically in the website (https://www.profileme.dev/) I get this preview:

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With this code in the Markdown:

### Badges

<a href="https://github.com/AntonioBerna" align="left"><img src="https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=AntonioBerna&langs_count=10&title_color=0891b2&text_color=ffffff&icon_color=0891b2&bg_color=1c1917&hide_border=true&locale=en&custom_title=Top%20%Languages" alt="Top Languages" /></a>

However, if I try to open the link https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=AntonioBerna&langs_count=10&title_color=0891b2&text_color=ffffff&icon_color=0891b2&bg_color=1c1917&hide_border=true&locale=en&custom_title=Top%20%Languages in the browser I get:

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I'll conclude by saying that it would be nice to add better customization in this section of "GitHub Top Languages," as I did in my GitHub profile getting this result:

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customizing options such as &lang_count= and &hide=. As I said in a previous issue (https://github.com/danielcranney/profileme-dev/issues/92), this web app should help us write as little markdown code as possible and that is why I am reporting this little problem.

Thanks for your attention

danielcranney commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the bug @AntonioBerna. Just wanted to clarify your suggestion, do you think we should allow additional options that let users toggle hide and limit the language count? Happy to add these, just wanted to check.