danielcrisp / angular-rangeslider

Simple directive that creates a range slider for Angular, styled to match Bootstrap-styled form elements
MIT License
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Gives error : TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'hide' #15

Closed vaibhavtolia closed 10 years ago

vaibhavtolia commented 10 years ago

TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'hide' at Object.setPinHandle (http://localhost/bower_components/angular-rangeslider/angular.rangeSlider.js:184:53) at Object.applyFunction as fn at Scope.$digest (http://localhost/bower_components/angular/angular.js:11808:29) at Scope.$delegate.proto.$digest (:844:31) at Scope.$apply (http://localhost/bower_components/angular/angular.js:12061:24) at Scope.$delegate.proto.$apply (:855:30) at done (http://localhost/bower_components/angular/angular.js:7843:45) at completeRequest (http://localhost/bower_components/angular/angular.js:8026:7) at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange (http://localhost/bower_components/angular/angular.js:7982:11)

Angular version : 1.2.10 Jquery version : 2.1.0

Any idea ?

danielcrisp commented 10 years ago

What version of rangeslider are you using? In the current version the is no mention of a hide method on line 184

Can you set up a fiddle?

Is jQuery included before Angular?

vaibhavtolia commented 10 years ago

I think the issue was loading jquery after angular, loading jquery before angular fixed it thanks