danieldennehy / Product-Review

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New Service Ideas. #9

Open danieldennehy opened 8 years ago

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Hit me,

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Essay Plan - Similar to titles, but a little more info.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Have info graphics. for each service page.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Make the websites more simple, more visual and easy to understand.

More infographs

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago


Allow people to choose the size too.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Should we offer editing service?

We can offer them and be more pro active on google.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Offer a professional proofreading service.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Bulk marking.

Offer one set fee - use the same researcher.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Online tutoring - skype etc

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

If you order an essay or service - allow clients to come back and ask a couple of questions about the essay.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Subscription services.

Bundles services.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Teacher marking. Exam Marking Student Marking - New service.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Live chat - Better training/tools to help them ask clients to submit info we want. Example if a client wants a reflective paper, ask them to upload certain things.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Videos - Order form. Examples, what to add in and where.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Add the order form stages and what to do and to expect per order stage.

Also add this to stage 4 of the order. So people know what to expect.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

On the order form, if the client only writes a few words in then a warning comes up to display that we more info is very helpful.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Upload guidelines and marking criteria to the order form!!!

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

We transfer has been done in house, we should not have to use we transfer.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

survey monkey some recent customers. Ask some questions about the site service etc.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Really shout about this.

Get more about each team on the website, make more of selling point of what we do internally for them.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Automate on holds to get the info onto the ccp, then when clients respond it updates our system so we can proceed.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Review Sam's dissertation order form on github. - Could be created by John and hopefully no UE time.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Country of study issues on step one:

Your order will be written by a US-based researcher in American English to conform with US college/university paper grading standards, such as undergraduate A grade. Please let us know if you require the UK grading system rather than US (e.g. undergraduate 2:1 rather than B).

Also, Other does not come through onto the order form.

danieldennehy commented 8 years ago

Have stats on the website to show how well we do etc.

How many orders we release early etc.