danieldesira / DanielsConnect4

Connect4 implementation in TypeScript ported from JavaScript code written prior to 2013
GNU General Public License v2.0
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0.3.6 fixes (urgent) #54

Closed danieldesira closed 9 months ago

danieldesira commented 9 months ago

The following issues to be sorted:

  1. Board can be reset multiple times during network play. We might need to introduce a flag isGameInitialised and check against it before setting any properties from the InitialMessage model.
  2. Refactor getAuth function to include handleSuccess callback parameter. We can also refactor both getAuth and postAuth to accept an object as a parameter. (Create an interface and proceed.)
  3. Place version number at the bottom of the screen and shorten (Beta) to b.
  4. Experiment with color for social links, credits, version and title to move away from black.
danieldesira commented 9 months ago

Point 1 not to be implemented as it will be tackled on the server. Point 2, 3 and 4 to be implemented in branch ui_bugs.

danieldesira commented 9 months ago

To do:

  1. Refactor getAuth function to include handleSuccess callback parameter. We can also refactor both getAuth and postAuth to accept an object as a parameter. (Create an interface and proceed.)
  2. Need to change SVG icons' color too. This needs to be done dynamically through Typescript in order to make it automatic for new icons.
danieldesira commented 9 months ago

Point 2 will also not be handled because it would actually make code more complex rather than helping to clean up. Indeed what can actually be done would be to throw an exception in authPost rather than accept a handleError callback and then we could handle errors using a try-catch block.

Moreover, regarding UI, we should respect dark themes by using the appropriate @media rule in the CSS.

When these two are tackled, we can publish the changes.