Write down a checklist of stuff to do for creating the necessary account, API key, cloud objects and all for making the app work for a new aircraft. A preliminary checklist could be:
create management Google account (will be used for all of the following actions)
Google Cloud: API key for calendar and sheets
Google Cloud: service account
Google Calendar: new calendar owned by the management account or one the users (writable by service account)
Google Sheets: new spreadsheet owned by the management account or one the users (writable by service account)
Google Sheets: sheet automation (for now just #56)
These actions could probably be automated via some service account doing all the work... but one step at a time :-)
The Google Sheet has some stuff to be initialized... we could use a template or program it in the (future) tool:
create flight log sheet
first row (in bold): A1 should contain count formula, other colums are simple title headers
Write down a checklist of stuff to do for creating the necessary account, API key, cloud objects and all for making the app work for a new aircraft. A preliminary checklist could be:
These actions could probably be automated via some service account doing all the work... but one step at a time :-)
The Google Sheet has some stuff to be initialized... we could use a template or program it in the (future) tool: