Please, provide the following version numbers that your issue occurs with:
CLI: (run tns --version to fetch it) 8.1.4
Please, tell us how to recreate the issue in as much detail as possible.
Thanks for making this plugin, it's really helpful since the nativescript-purchase plugin doesn't build on Android with the latest version of NativeScript! Question... I'm integrating this plugin for iOS in-app purchases, however the one thing I can't figure out how to do is to retrieve the receipt data for an iOS subscription. The nativescript-purchase plugin had a receiptData property on their transaction object, however InAppPurchaseTransactionState doesn't seem to have this.
Is there any code involved?
public initIosSubscriptions(user: UserView) {
console.log('Initializing iOS subscriptions...');
const productName = this.iosProductName(user);
console.log(`Product name: ${productName}`);
// Get iOS subscription product, based on number of units and discounts.
this.inAppPurchaseManager.list([ productName ], InAppPurchaseType.Subscription)
.then((result: InAppListProductsResult) => {
if (!result.products?.length) {
console.warn(`Could not find iOS subscription product with name: ${productName}`);
alert('Purchasing a subscription is not available on this device! Please try our website.');
this.iosProduct = result.products[0];
// Found iOS subscription product, set up listener for when we purchase a product.
console.log('Setting up listener for purchasing products...');
const purchaseStateUpdateListener: InAppPurchaseStateUpdateListener = {
onUpdate: (purchaseTransactionState: InAppPurchaseTransactionState): void => {
// Item has been purchased, sync local items list ...
console.log('In transaction updated event! purchaseTransactionState: ', purchaseTransactionState);
const key = `${purchaseTransactionState.productIdentifier}-${purchaseTransactionState.resultCode}`;
if (!this.processedTransactionUpdates[key]) {
this.processedTransactionUpdates[key] = true;
if (purchaseTransactionState.resultCode === InAppPurchaseResultCode.Failed)
alert(`Purchase of ${purchaseTransactionState.productIdentifier} failed!`);
else if (purchaseTransactionState.transactionReceipt)
// Purchase succeeded, store receipt so we can check if the iOS subscription is active from a nightly job.
.updateIOSSettings({ input: { receiptData: purchaseTransactionState.transactionReceipt } })
.subscribe(updatedUser => {;
this.iosProductUpdated.emit(purchaseTransactionState.resultCode === InAppPurchaseResultCode.Purchased);
onUpdateHistory: (purchaseTransactionState: InAppPurchaseTransactionState): void => {
if (purchaseTransactionState.resultCode === InAppPurchaseResultCode.Restored) {
// Item has been restored, sync local items list ...
InAppPurchaseManager.bootStrapInstance(purchaseStateUpdateListener).then(inAppPurchaseManager => {
this.inAppPurchaseManager = inAppPurchaseManager
Which platform(s) does your issue occur on?
Please, provide the following version numbers that your issue occurs with:
tns --version
to fetch it) 8.1.4Please, tell us how to recreate the issue in as much detail as possible.
Thanks for making this plugin, it's really helpful since the nativescript-purchase plugin doesn't build on Android with the latest version of NativeScript! Question... I'm integrating this plugin for iOS in-app purchases, however the one thing I can't figure out how to do is to retrieve the receipt data for an iOS subscription. The nativescript-purchase plugin had a receiptData property on their transaction object, however InAppPurchaseTransactionState doesn't seem to have this.
Is there any code involved?