danielebogo / DBCamera

DBCamera is a simple custom camera with AVFoundation
MIT License
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Camera not working properly in iPod Touch 5th #183

Open asolakhyan opened 8 years ago

asolakhyan commented 8 years ago

iOS 8.4. Front camera is not working. Showing black. ipod touch has only front camera, so I am calling switchCamera in this manner

[self presentViewController:nav animated:YES completion:^{

    //toggle to selfie mode (i.e. front camera)
    [cameraContainer.cameraViewController.cameraView.delegate switchCamera];

switchCamera calls cameraManager's toggle cameraToggle which has a check hasMultipleCameras. Since ipod touch has only one camera, the toggle does not take any effect and the user is stuck with default back camera which does not exist.

Would it be possible to add configuration on which camera should defaulted? I.e. CameraMode = Front or Back?

Thank you.