keep_dims is deprecated, use keepdims instead
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/Gra_stu/Pratice/keras-gat-master/examples/", line 36, in
H = GraphAttention(8, attn_heads=8, attn_heads_reduction='concat', dropout_rate=0.6, activation='elu', kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4), attn_kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4))([H]+G)
File "D:\Downloads\Anaconda\envs\keras-gcn\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\", line 603, in call
output =, *kwargs)
File "D:\Gra_stu\Pratice\keras-gat-master\keras_gat\", line 119, in call
mask = -10e9 (1.0 - A)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'float' and 'list'
对应graph_attention_layer.py文件中这一行:mask = -10e9 * (1.0 - A)
keep_dims is deprecated, use keepdims instead Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/Gra_stu/Pratice/keras-gat-master/examples/", line 36, in
H = GraphAttention(8, attn_heads=8, attn_heads_reduction='concat', dropout_rate=0.6, activation='elu', kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4), attn_kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4))([H]+G)
File "D:\Downloads\Anaconda\envs\keras-gcn\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\", line 603, in call
output =, *kwargs)
File "D:\Gra_stu\Pratice\keras-gat-master\keras_gat\", line 119, in call
mask = -10e9 (1.0 - A)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'float' and 'list'
对应graph_attention_layer.py文件中这一行:mask = -10e9 * (1.0 - A)