danielepiccone / ng-pageslide

AngularJS sliding panel for serving additional content from off the page
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ps-push without pushing off screen (push but resize) #139

Closed umdstu closed 8 years ago

umdstu commented 8 years ago

i'd like toggling of the slide to push into the container (like ps-push=true does), but instead of pushing off screen 300px, have it become 300px less wide, if that makes sense;

i'm able to accomplish this by commenting out the line in psOpen() for body.style.right = '-' + param.size;

Is there a built in, more robust way, in which to accomplish this?

danielepiccone commented 8 years ago


dapriett commented 8 years ago

I was looking for the same thing - got it to work by doing this in my css:

body {
  left: 0 !important;