For example, If I add a MemoryStream field to TCustomer, data is persisted correctly, however there is a memory leak when closing the program. I am using the sqlite adapter.
constructor TCustomer.Create;
FImage := TMemoryStream.Create;
destructor TCustomer.Destroy;
The leak occurs when performing an update or delete operation.
I have adapted the Hello World demo to a VCL GUI, so memory leak reporting occurs.
I added a image field to the db declared as BLOB.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
Answer: TMemoryStream should not be created in constructor. Instead set to nil, since it will be created autmatically when load a record from the database.
For example, If I add a MemoryStream field to TCustomer, data is persisted correctly, however there is a memory leak when closing the program. I am using the sqlite adapter.
[Entity('CUSTOMERS')] TCustomer = class private FName: String; FEMail: String; FID: Integer; FCreatedAt: TDate; FADDRESS: String; FImage: TMemoryStream; procedure SetADDRESS(const Value: String); procedure SetCreatedAt(const Value: TDate); procedure SetEMail(const Value: String); procedure SetID(const Value: Integer); procedure SetName(const Value: String); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property ID: Integer read FID write SetID; property Name: String read FName write SetName; property Address: String read FADDRESS write SetADDRESS; property EMail: String read FEMail write SetEMail; [Column('CREATED_AT')] property CreatedAt: TDate read FCreatedAt write SetCreatedAt; property Image: TMemoryStream read FImage write FImage; end;
constructor TCustomer.Create; begin FImage := TMemoryStream.Create; end;
destructor TCustomer.Destroy; begin FImage.Free; inherited; end;
The leak occurs when performing an update or delete operation. I have adapted the Hello World demo to a VCL GUI, so memory leak reporting occurs. I added a image field to the db declared as BLOB. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?