danieleteti / delphiredisclient

Redis client for Delphi
Apache License 2.0
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Callback SUBSCRIBE Exception. #4

Closed fredycc closed 7 years ago

fredycc commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have a problem when read callback message on SUSCRIBE method. In this validation:

if (not FValidResponse) or (lArrNull.Items[0] <> 'message') then raise ERedisException.CreateFmt('Invalid reply: %s', [string.Join('-', lArrNull.ToArray)]);

After remove (not FValidResponse) all is working.

if (lArrNull.Items[0] <> 'message') then raise ERedisException.CreateFmt('Invalid reply: %s', [string.Join('-', lArrNull.ToArray)]);

I'm using redis for windows https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases Delphi Berlin Upd 2


danieleteti commented 7 years ago

FIXED in the last push. There is also an additional callback (optional) to the SUBSCRIBE call, in case you need to know when precisely the subscription is happening.