danielfalk / smart-open.nvim

Neovim plugin for fast file-finding
MIT License
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Dropping sqlite like telescope-frecency? #48

Open lkhphuc opened 9 months ago

lkhphuc commented 9 months ago

Hi, Recently I saw that telescope-frecency has dropped the sqlite3 requirement, and since this plugin was inspired by that I wonder if it is considered to follow/borrow from it and drop this requirement as well.

I tried telescope-frecency and see it faster to startup as well, however I still like the "smart" search of this plugin.

Thanks for the plugin.

danielfalk commented 9 months ago

It doesn't have any requirements that are so complex that they would absolutely require it, but sqlite is supposed to be good at querying and sorting, which it does quite well. I hadn't actually noticed a perceptible delay in opening - at least not one that I could attribute to the persistence mechanism. And unfortunately, while I'm grateful to telescope-frecency project for inspiration and the initial codebase, this project has evolved so much since then that it wouldn't be trivially easy to pull in that implementation I would imagine.

Even so, having fewer dependencies makes for an easier installation, and if it's true that opening the picker is noticeably faster, that would be good too. I'd be willing to take a PR for it if anyone's willing to contribute a noticeable performance improvement on that initial popup. I probably wouldn't be able to contribute this work due to other priorities, but I do respond quickly to PRs

Thanks for the input.