danielfernau / unifi-protect-video-downloader

Tool for downloading footage from a local UniFi Protect system
MIT License
469 stars 53 forks source link

0 0 files downloaded (0.0 b), 0 files skipped, 0 files failed, 0 files total #216

Open stevooooooo1 opened 1 year ago

stevooooooo1 commented 1 year ago


Upon running the command

docker run --volume /Users/*****/Downloads:/downloads unifitoolbox/protect-archiver download --address= --username=Export --password=**** --cameras=“all” --skip-existing-files --use-subfolders --start=2022-09-10T10:00:00 --end=2022-09-10T23:59:00 /downloads

I cannot fetch any files it simply says 0 files downloaded and that's it. No idea why this is happening and would be really grateful if you can help. Below is the full command returned.

Getting camera list Successfully retrieved data from Cameras found:

I am trying to get footage of our dog that passed off the camera. Have turned recording off for now but would really like to get this footage as downloading through Unifi just does not work. The Export user has local access.

danielfernau commented 1 year ago

Hi @stevooooooo1

To protect the recordings for now, also make sure that you have Time-based Recording Deletion disabled under Settings > General > Video Retention. This is important since it could potentially cause your clips to be deleted even if you're not recording anything new.

You mentioned that downloading the files through the UniFi software doesn't work - do you mean the web UI or the mobile app by that? Have you tried both of these options? Can you play the clips in the browser at all, just not download them? Additionally, have you already tried to restart the Protect application and/or the device itself before attempting to download anything?

If the tool says that there are zero files to be downloaded, it usually means that the Protect API did not return any recordings for the selected cameras within the requested time span. This can have a number of reasons, including database issues on the appliance on which Protect is running. That would also explain why the UniFi software itself fails to download the clips.

I'm very sorry for your loss and I'll do whatever I can to help you preserve some memories 🐶

Best Daniel