Closed jsilve24 closed 2 years ago
Well that was fast. Needed to add smudge-status-location to init rather than config (need to set it before the package loads)
(use-package smudge
(setq smudge-status-location nil)
(let* ((source (auth-source-search :host "")))
(setq smudge-oauth2-client-id (plist-get (car source) :user)
smudge-oauth2-client-secret (plist-get (car source) :secret)))
;; (setq smudge-transport 'connect)
;; A hydra for controlling spotify.
(defhydra hydra-spotify (:hint nil)
^Search^ ^Control^ ^Manage^
_t_: Track _SPC_: Play/Pause _+_: Volume up
_m_: My Playlists _n_ : Next Track _-_: Volume down
_f_: Featured Playlists _p_ : Previous Track _x_: Mute
_u_: User Playlists _r_ : Repeat _d_: Device
^^ _s_ : Shuffle _q_: Quit
("t" smudge-track-search :exit t)
("m" smudge-my-playlists :exit t)
("f" smudge-featured-playlists :exit t)
("u" smudge-user-playlists :exit t)
("SPC" smudge-controller-toggle-play :exit nil)
("n" smudge-controller-next-track :exit nil)
("p" smudge-controller-previous-track :exit nil)
("r" smudge-controller-toggle-repeat :exit nil)
("s" smudge-controller-toggle-shuffle :exit nil)
("+" smudge-controller-volume-up :exit nil)
("-" smudge-controller-volume-down :exit nil)
("x" smudge-controller-volume-mute-unmute :exit nil)
("d" smudge-select-device :exit nil)
("q" quit-window "quit" :color blue)))
First, off thank you for putting this package together!
My guess is that I am just doing something wrong but I am trying to turn off the modeline additions (too much clutter for my taste) but I can't seem to figure out how.
Here is my config:
Thank you in advance!