danielfm / smudge

Control the Spotify app from within Emacs.
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OAuth2 Authentication Failure #89

Closed magicaldave closed 1 year ago

magicaldave commented 1 year ago

Hi! My config is emacs 27.1, on POP! OS with the Spacemacs distribution. I had to manually install smudge due to another issue I had with spacemacs' lazy loading. I had to install the oauth2 package as well.

Now that all the function definitions I need are available, I'm unable to use Smudge as all functions return Oauth2 authentication failure

Other than global-smudge-remote-mode, which causes emacs to hang completely and need to be killed. I'm not really sure how to debug beyond this point. I did: Check my config: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/smudge") (use-package smudge :ensure t :config (progn (setq smudge-oauth2-client-secret "SECRET") (setq smudge-oauth2-client-id "ID") (setq smudge-transport 'connect) (define-key smudge-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'smudge-command-map)))

I confirmed the secret and ID match what's listed on my spotify dev api, and even rotated in a new key which changed nothing.

Debug output is enabled but doesn't give anything back when I run these functions.

I can run curl against localhost:8080 and get a response from smudge just fine, only while emacs has become unresponsive after invoking global-smudge-remote-mode

I also tried installing the package from MELPA and directly from github at various points and nothing changed.

Edit: I also made a fork and merged in #85 , which made no change.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

magicaldave commented 1 year ago

I was going to switch distros anyway, and hopped to EndeavourOS. That also jumped my emacs from 27.1 to 28.2. I installed Smudge after and it works perfectly! Thank you so much for developing this. Think it could use some more testing to confirm compatibility with Pop!_OS or maybe emacs 27.1 itself. For some reason the browse-url-default-browser function in that version of emacs often doesn't point to anything and I think that may have been the issue.