danielgatis / imgcat

Display images and gifs in your terminal.
MIT License
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Windows Terminal run error with panic #17

Open hom opened 4 months ago

hom commented 4 months ago

I installed imgcat with scoop and run it to display avatar.png . imgcat throw error with below:

(base) PS C:\Users\mago\Downloads> imgcat avatar.png
2024/03/19 10:55:42 failed to get the terminal size: unsupported
panic: failed to get the terminal size: unsupported

goroutine 1 [running]:
log.Panicf({0x8cd730, 0xc0000060c0}, {0xc000109f10, 0x18cd63, 0x18cd64})
        /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.17.7/x64/src/log/log.go:361 +0x67
main.scale({0xc000064000, 0x1, 0x18cd64})
        /home/runner/work/imgcat/imgcat/main.go:151 +0xe8
        /home/runner/work/imgcat/imgcat/main.go:287 +0x15f
1kaiser commented 1 month ago

🙏🏻 @danielgatis can this kind of introduction be added at the top of readme.md [linux | windows | osx] installation bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yorukot/superfile/main/install.sh)" << for example