danielgatis / rembg

Rembg is a tool to remove images background
MIT License
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How to config my u2net own path #572

Closed sswink closed 5 months ago

sswink commented 5 months ago

Hi danielgatis, I want to put u2net in my project path not system /.u2net/*. How can i specific u2net in my /myprojects/model path. Please help. Thanks!

def remove(
    data: Union[bytes, PILImage, np.ndarray],
    alpha_matting: bool = False,
    alpha_matting_foreground_threshold: int = 240,
    alpha_matting_background_threshold: int = 10,
    alpha_matting_erode_size: int = 10,
    session: Optional[BaseSession] = None,
    only_mask: bool = False,
    post_process_mask: bool = False,
    bgcolor: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = None,
    *args: Optional[Any],
    **kwargs: Optional[Any]
    Remove the background from an input image.

    This function takes in various parameters and returns a modified version of the input image with the background removed. The function can handle input data in the form of bytes, a PIL image, or a numpy array. The function first checks the type of the input data and converts it to a PIL image if necessary. It then fixes the orientation of the image and proceeds to perform background removal using the 'u2net' model. The result is a list of binary masks representing the foreground objects in the image. These masks are post-processed and combined to create a final cutout image. If a background color is provided, it is applied to the cutout image. The function returns the resulting cutout image in the format specified by the input 'return_type' parameter.

        data (Union[bytes, PILImage, np.ndarray]): The input image data.
        alpha_matting (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to use alpha matting. Defaults to False.
        alpha_matting_foreground_threshold (int, optional): Foreground threshold for alpha matting. Defaults to 240.
        alpha_matting_background_threshold (int, optional): Background threshold for alpha matting. Defaults to 10.
        alpha_matting_erode_size (int, optional): Erosion size for alpha matting. Defaults to 10.
        session (Optional[BaseSession], optional): A session object for the 'u2net' model. Defaults to None.
        only_mask (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to return only the binary masks. Defaults to False.
        post_process_mask (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether to post-process the masks. Defaults to False.
        bgcolor (Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]], optional): Background color for the cutout image. Defaults to None.
        *args (Optional[Any]): Additional positional arguments.
        **kwargs (Optional[Any]): Additional keyword arguments.

        Union[bytes, PILImage, np.ndarray]: The cutout image with the background removed.
andresherrera97 commented 4 days ago

Which version of the library are you using? Did you find a solution?