danielgross / localpilot

MIT License
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Docker localpilot #3

Closed o6uoq closed 9 months ago

o6uoq commented 9 months ago

As a localpilot user I want a Docker container So that I can run localpilot with a simple docker command rather than installing and running Python et al. from my local env

danielgross commented 9 months ago

Please submit pull request!

o6uoq commented 9 months ago

I've tried to build a Docker container using a slimline Python image as well as the sickcodes/docker-osx container. This doesn't work for this reason:

9.994   × Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully.
9.994   │ exit code: 1
9.994   ╰─> [2 lines of output]
9.994       running egg_info
9.994       error: PyObjC requires macOS to build
9.994       [end of output]

I couldn't find any obvious way to circumvent the PyObjC depends on macOS. Would you happen to know of a way, or if PyObjC can be replaced? Anything which has a depends on macOS will not work in a Docker container.

If I find anything I'll update this GitHub issue.