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12/24 Blog Post: Earthquakes in New Zealand #14

Open edgrosvenor opened 4 years ago

edgrosvenor commented 4 years ago

After visiting Christchurch you'll have a sense of the destruction that these events can leave in their wakes. In 2011, Christchurch was hit by a devastating quake with a high casualty count. A few years later in 2016, a smaller quake shook the area, damaging infrastructure and undoing some of the hard fought recovery from the 2011 quake.

From your science teacher:

I would love to hear about some of the earthquake damage that you experience throughout your trip. What did this damage look like? What was the worst damage you saw? What causes bad earthquakes of this sort to happen? And, are houses built differently in New Zealand to protect homeowners against earthquake damage?

Glyn will be an excellent resource for this. His first day on the job as head of communications for the Marlborough Council was the day the 2016 earthquake hit. He was heavily involved in surveying damage and relaying vital safety information to the public, as well as keeping the public up to date on the recovery efforts as the infrastructure was repaired.

edgrosvenor commented 4 years ago

[ Six sentences about the 2011 Christchurch earthquake including a two sentence description of the actual mechanics of the earthquake and why it was so damaging, ]

[ Four sentences about the current state of Christchurch. What has been rebuilt, what has not, how the city has changed forever ]

[ What steps are being taken to make sure that future earthquakes are not as deadly as the 2011 quake? Building codes for new buildings? Retrofit of existing buildings? ]

[ Four sentences about the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake and an introduction of Glyn and a description of his role after the quake ]

[ Glyn Question 1 ] - [ Glyn's Answer ]

[ Glyn Question 2 ] -[ Glyn's Answer ]

[ Glyn Question 3 ] - [ Glyn's Answer ]