danielgtaylor / aglio

An API Blueprint renderer with theme support that outputs static HTML
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TypeError: token.attrGet is not a function #319

Open kadishmal opened 7 years ago

kadishmal commented 7 years ago
   "TypeError: token.attrGet is not a function",
    "    at /home1/user/61916c91a4e81be8/node_modules/markdown-it-anchor/index.js:79:24",
    "    at Array.forEach (native)",
    "    at Array.<anonymous> (/home1/user/61916c91a4e81be8/node_modules/markdown-it-anchor/index.js:71:8)",
    "    at Core.process (/home1/user/61916c91a4e81be8/node_modules/markdown-it/lib/parser_core.js:51:13)",
    "    at MarkdownIt.parse (/home1/user/61916c91a4e81be8/node_modules/markdown-it/lib/index.js:493:13)",
    "    at MarkdownIt.render (/home1/user/61916c91a4e81be8/node_modules/markdown-it/lib/index.js:513:36)",
    "    at decorate (/home1/user/61916c91a4e81be8/node_modules/aglio-theme-olio/lib/main.js:422:44)",
    "    at Object.exports.render (/home1/user/61916c91a4e81be8/node_modules/aglio-theme-olio/lib/main.js:646:5)",
    "    at /home1/user/61916c91a4e81be8/node_modules/aglio/lib/main.js:133:20"

The above error occurs due to the fact that markdown-it-anchor has released v2.7.0 which introduces some breaking changes.

The following works fine:

`-- grunt-aglio@0.4.1
  `-- aglio@2.2.1
    `-- aglio-theme-olio@1.6.3
      `-- markdown-it-anchor@2.5.0

v2.6.0 works fine, too.

But this new v2.7.0 fails.

└─┬ grunt-aglio@0.4.1
  └─┬ aglio@2.2.1
    └─┬ aglio-theme-olio@1.6.3
      └── markdown-it-anchor@2.7.0

Some clever people here at aglio didn't care enough to set the exact version requirement in its package.json.

Please, always use the exact version.

fricklerhandwerk commented 7 years ago

This can be addressed by bumping to a current markdown-it, see #320.