danielgtaylor / malt.io

Malt.io free community for brewers
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non-public recipes #75

Open dkoppenh opened 11 years ago

dkoppenh commented 11 years ago

It looks like every recipe is made available to the public. Could there be an option to keep recipes private?

Even better would be to integrate G+ circles / communities and allow access based on which you decide to share with.

danielgtaylor commented 11 years ago

This is something I have planned for the future. Right now my focus is on public recipes so that the site gets more publicly visible content and users are more likely to use the site / contribute recipes / etc.

The G+ circles idea is fantastic, though they don't yet provide an API to do that sort of thing. Maybe in the future it'll become possible as the platform matures.

dkoppenh commented 11 years ago

Sure, I completely understand that. It's just that a work-in-progress recipe doesn't do anyone much good, so I figured I'd request a 'private' or 'draft' (hehe) recipe setting.

danielgtaylor commented 11 years ago

Understandable. It's worth noting that when creating a new recipe the editor saves state locally in your browser, so that's one way to work on a recipe in private at the moment, but make sure not to clear your browser cache/cookies/localStorage.

Private recipes will definitely get into Malt.io, it's just a matter of finding the time to implement it properly.