danielhasan1 / fastapi-listing

Advanced items listing library that gives you freedom to design complex listing REST APIs that can be read by human.
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Async Session #17

Open elektracodes opened 3 months ago

elektracodes commented 3 months ago


Can this work with AsyncSession? I am trying to work with the examples but I cannot seem to be able to overwrite the sorter.

I get this error

File "/opt/pysetup/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/fastapi_listing/sorter/page_sorter.py", line 20, in sort_dsc_util
  query = query.order_by(inst_field.desc())
AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'order_by'

I have overwrite the get_default_read to work with async, but I cannot see how to do that in the page_sorter.

class VideoDao(GenericDao):
    def __init__(self, db: AsyncSession) -> None:

    name = "videoresponse"
    model = Videos

    async def get_default_read(self, fields_to_read: Optional[list]):
        query = await self.db.query(Videos)
        return query
danielhasan1 commented 3 months ago

Allow me to ask you a couple of questions first. I don't think Asyncsession works with query api(correct me if I'm wrong) you should have faced an error like AttributeError: 'async_sessionmaker' object has no attribute 'query' but your code was able to call page_sorter it doesn't support AsyncSession natively for now but there is a way around you could use select statement at dao level and in page_builder you could pass async_session as extra_context where you can do session.execute(stmt) and call all or fetchall method on your result. Do you want me to add a working example for this workaround? Or I think we can work on adding a support layer for AsyncSession.

ruslan-korneev commented 4 weeks ago

Hello. async queries in sqlalchemy work in a different way. I can suggest you to make a session dependency, use repository pattern for queries instead of combining DAO and queries to db.

Async Session Maker

from types import TracebackType

from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import (

from src.somewhere.settings import settings  # my pydantic-settings, use yours instead.

class AsyncSessionMaker:
    _engine = create_async_engine(
    _sessionmaker = async_sessionmaker(

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._session = self._sessionmaker()

    def session(self) -> AsyncSession:
        return self._session

    async def __aenter__(self) -> AsyncSession:
        return await self._session.__aenter__()

    async def __aexit__(
        exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
        exc_value: BaseException | None,
        traceback: TracebackType | None,
    ) -> None:
        return await self._session.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)

Session Dependency

from collections.abc import AsyncGenerator
from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Depends
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession

from src.somewhere.db import AsyncSessionMaker  # import previously made session maker

__all__ = ("AsyncSessionDep", "get_async_session")

async def get_async_session() -> AsyncGenerator[AsyncSession, None]:
    async with AsyncSessionMaker() as session:
            yield session
            await session.commit()
            await session.close()

AsyncSessionDep = Annotated[AsyncSession, Depends(get_async_session)]

Repository Base-class and Example for Model Video


from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from uuid import UUID  # id for those examples would be as UUID

from sqlalchemy import ColumnExpressionArgument, Subquery, func, inspect, select
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession

from src.somewhere.db import SQLAlchemyBaseModel  # your base-class for sqlalchemy models

_MT = TypeVar("_MT", bound=SQLAlchemyBaseModel)

class BaseRepository(Generic[_MT]):
    _model: type[_MT]
    _session: AsyncSession

    def __init__(self, session: AsyncSession) -> None:
        self._session = session

    async def get_by_id(self, id_: UUID) -> _MT:
        Get model instance by id
        query = select(self._model).where(self._model.id == id_)
        result = await self._session.execute(query)
        return result.scalar_one()

    async def get_all(self) -> Sequence[_MT]:
        Get all model instances
        query = select(self._model)
        result = await self._session.execute(query)
        return result.scalars().all()

    async def save(self, instance: _MT) -> _MT:
        Save a new model instance or update if exists
        inspr = inspect(instance)
        if not inspr.modified and inspr.has_identity:
            return instance

        await self._session.flush()
        await self._session.refresh(instance)

        return instance

    async def delete(self, instance: _MT) -> None:
        Delete a model instance from database
        await self._session.delete(instance)
        await self._session.flush()

    async def count(
        self, from_query: ColumnExpressionArgument[bool] | None = None, sub_query: Subquery | None = None
    ) -> int:
        if from_query is not None:
            query = select(func.count()).select_from(select(self._model).where(from_query).subquery())
        elif sub_query is not None:
            query = select(func.count()).select_from(sub_query)
            query = select(func.count()).select_from(self._model)

        result = await self._session.execute(query)
        return result.scalar_one()


from src.somewhere.videos.models import Video
from src.somewhere.db.repositories import BaseRepository

class VideoRepository(BaseRepository[Video]):
    _model = Video


import uuid

from fastapi import APIRouter, status
from sqlalchemy.exc import NoResultFound

from src.somewhere.dependencies.db import AsyncSessionDep  # made above for you
from src.somewhere.videos.dao import VideoDao
from src.somewhere.videos.models import Video
from src.somewhere.videos.repositories import VideoRepository

router = APIRouter(prefix="/{video_id}")

@router.get("/", response_model=VideoDao)
async def get_video_by_id(
    video_id: uuid.UUID,
    session: AsyncSessionDep,
) -> Video:
        return await VideoRepository(session).get_by_id(id_=video_id)
    except NoResultFound as err:
        raise YourOwnException("or do whatever you want") from err