danielhenrymantilla / lending-iterator.rs

Lending iterators on stable Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Referring to a GAT #13

Closed vigna closed 11 months ago

vigna commented 11 months ago

This code won't compile:

impl<I: GraphIterator> LendingIterator for Adapter<I> {
    type Item<'a> = (usize, <I as GraphIterator>::Successors<'a>)
    where Self: 'a;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item<'_>> {

The problem is that apparently the macro fiddles also with ::Sucessors, while it should just leave it alone. How can we achieve that?

(I realize it is not a compilable snippet, but I think the problem we have is clear—I can produce a compilable example if you need it.)

danielhenrymantilla commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the report! While I think about a fix or re-design[^1] to palliate this issue, FWIW, you should be able to work around the issue by defining a helper type alias:

type GraphIteratorSuccessors<'next, I> = <I as GraphIterator>::Successors<'next>;

impl<I : GraphIterator> LendingIterator for Adapter<I> {
    type Item<'next> = (usize, GraphIteratorSuccessors<'next, I>)
        Self : 'next,

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item<'_>> {

[^1]: I'd like for the next release of lending-iterator not to need nougat

vigna commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the answer! Next question :), how do I make this work:

pub fn extend<'a, 'b, I: Iterator<Item = usize>, L: LendingIterator<Item<'b> = (usize, I)>>(
&mut self,
        iter_nodes: &'b mut L,

as the compiler complains that Item is not an associated type. I've read your note about using Item<'_,I> but I need to constrain the type of the returned item instead (note that the answer might obvious, I've been programming Rust since just six months).

danielhenrymantilla commented 11 months ago

So, the main solution here is to be using #[apply(Gat)] on the fn. The issue, then, is that LendingIterator (and nougat) involve for<'next> kind of bounds, and your 'b-specific extra bound then makes it run into a limitation of Rust.

There are then two workarounds:

pub fn extend<'a, 'b, I, L>(
    &mut self,
    iter_nodes: &'b mut L,
    I : Iterator<Item = usize>,
    L : for<'c> LendingIterator<Item<'c> = (usize, I)>,
    let it: (usize, I) = iter_nodes.next().unwrap();

pub fn extend2<'a, 'b, I, L>(
    &mut self,
    iter_nodes: &'b mut L,
    I : Iterator<Item = usize>,
    L : LendingIterator,
 // <L as LendingIterator>::Item<'b>           = (usize, I) ,
    <L as LendingIterator>::Item<'b> : Is<EqTo = (usize, I)>,
    let it: (usize, I) = Is::eq_to(iter_nodes.next().unwrap());
vigna commented 11 months ago

That's definitely type magick. I understand that Is::eq_to() will extract the type, but I can't see how to write a while let Some((x,i)) = iter.next() {}. I mean, I tried, but...


danielhenrymantilla commented 11 months ago

Yeah, this is a bit subtle to explain; do you happen to be on Discord or some other instant messaging platform? It may be easier to work with there than over here 🙂

  1. The Rust Community Discord server: https://discord.gg/rust-lang-community

  2. You can then create a post over #rust-help-forum

  3. You can then ping me when doing so: @yandros

Otherwise, the TL,DR, if we remove usize from the situation to simplify things, what you have is (ignoring nougat syntax sugar/hacks, imagining full GATs all the way):

```rs … where for<'c> ::Item<'c> : Iterator , ``` _i.e._, ```rs where for<'c> exists I<'c> : Iterator where L : LendingIterator = I<'c>> , ``` (in pseudo-code). But when we write: ```rs where for<'c> L : LendingIterator = I> , ``` Notice how we are expressing that the lended item does not depend on the `'c = 'next` lending-lifetime of `fn next(&'c mut self)`! So that boils down to defeating the very purpose of `LendingIterator`s to begin with! Hence my: > either you write the bound as valid for all lifetimes (while this seems nice, in practice, **it will only be usable if the `LendingIterator` isn't truly lending / if `I` does not depend on `'c`**) Now, when we do write: ```rs ::Item<'b>: Is ``` what we are saying is no longer a `for<'c>`-quantified clause, but, instead, a "punctual" statement/contraint/clause, stating that when the input `'c` happens to be exactly equal to `'b`, we are getting this outer/fixed `I` iterator. - This has the advantage of not _eagerly_ restricting the `for<'c> …::Item<'c>` to be some `'c`-independent fixed iterator `I`, as we've just seen in the previous part; - But it does restrict the `.next()` call(s) able to yield this known `I` to be of this fixed `'b` lifetime. In Rust, generic lifetime parameters (thus provided by the _caller_), necessarily span beyond the internal body of the callee's function: ```rust iterator.next() // ---- start of borrow ---+ // | // | // | } // <----------- 'fn body --------------------| // ⋮ caller leeway in their choice of `'b` // <--------------- end of 'b -----------------+ ``` But, if you want to call `.next()` multiple times inside that _callee_ function, you need the borrow of each `.next()` call (but for the last one) to be shorter than `'fn`: ```rs iterator.next() // ---- start of borrow ---+ // | // | // <-- first borrow must have ended here --+ iterator.next() // - start of new borrow --+ // | // | // <--- snd borrow must have ended here ---+ // etc. } // <----------- 'fn body --------------------| ``` Hence the problem. So, back to my `exists I<'c>` pseudo-code, what we wanted to express was: ```rs where for<'c> exists I<'c> : Iterator where L : LendingIterator = I<'c>> , ``` Which, alas, is not something directly expressible in Rust. What we do, in these cases, is just to skip this `I<'c>` "alias", and always refer to `L::Item<'c>`: ```rs where L : LendingIterator, for<'c> Item<'c, L> : Iterator , ``` Now, the problem is that in your case you had `(usize, I<'c>)` rather than just `I<'c>`. This is where the current expressibility of Rust really runs into limitations. 1. Since in this form we can only write trait bounds for `L::Item<'c>`, 1. but since trait bounds allow introducing new associated items, 1. then the solution would be to "trait-ify" being a `(T, U)` 2-tuple: ```rs trait Tuple2 { type _0; type _1; fn is_tuple(self) -> (Self::_0, Self::_1); } impl Tuple2 for (T, U) { type _0 = T; type _1 = U; fn is_tuple(self) -> (Self::_0, Self::_1) { self } } ``` 1. And from there: ```rs #[apply(Gat!)] pub fn extend(&mut self, iter_nodes: &mut L) where L : LendingIterator, for<'c> Item<'c, L> : Tuple2<_0 = usize> , for<'c> as Tuple2>::_1 : Iterator , { while let Some((idx, iter)) = iter_nodes.next().map(|it| it.is_tuple()) { for n in iter { let _: usize = n; } } } ``` [Playground](https://www.rustexplorer.com/b#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) FWIW, there is kind of a trick/hack in rust wherein you can use _nested_ `impl Trait`, but only when within the initial `<….>` generics rather than `where` clauses. This can be used here to alleviate a bit the syntax: - EDIT: ⚠️ beware of this hack ⚠️ The nested `impl Trait` syntax seems to introduce an anonymous _but `for<>`-lifetime-agnostic_ parameter to describe it, thereby introducing fixed lifetime constraints which can lead to `higher rank lifetime error`s ```rs #[apply(Gat!)] pub fn extend< L : for<'c> LendingIterator< // this would be our `(usize, I<'c>)` Item<'c> = impl Tuple2< // ( _0 = usize, // usize, _1 = impl Iterator, // I<'c>, >, // ) >, >( &mut self, iter_nodes: &mut L, ) { while let Some((idx, iter)) = iter_nodes.next().map(|it| it.is_tuple()) { for n in iter { let _: usize = n; } } } ``` - [Playground](https://www.rustexplorer.com/b#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)
vigna commented 11 months ago

Yeah, this is a bit subtle to explain; do you happen to be on Discord or some other instant messaging platform? It may be easier to work with there than over here 🙂

I think I'm bothering you more than enough here!

So, thank you a lot for the explanation: turns out I was desperately trying to do what you suggest, but I was looking for Rust syntax that would make it possible to extract the type of a component of a tuple, and I couldn't find any. I didn't think about the trait—that's a bit too far for me.

I've implemented the idea and it seems to work even with actual GATs (using gat_lending_iterator), except that when I try to call a function with the multi-line parameter declaration above using a LendingIterator<Item<'a> = (usize, Self::Successors<'a>)> I get

the trait bound `for<'c> <_ as gat_lending_iterator::LendingIterator>::Item<'c>: traits::graph::Tuple2` is not satisfied
the trait `traits::graph::Tuple2` is implemented for `(T, U)`

which puzzles me because the item is a 2-tuple. That might be a limitation of the compiler that does not apply to your HKT implementation, but it seems to be something else. I tried to reproduce the situation using your library but I got stuck trying to set the Item type to a pair (possibly I misunderstood the Item<'_,L> syntax).

Basically, I need to return a LendingIterator<Item<'a> = (usize, Self::Successors<'a>)> from a function and pass it to another. With the complex signature you propose the function finally compiles, but then it doesn't accept what I would expect as a possible argument with the error above.

If you can share some more wisdom I would be immensely grateful!

vigna commented 11 months ago

And, I was able to make this into a playground.

danielhenrymantilla commented 11 months ago

The following playground compiles

vigna commented 11 months ago

I see—you really need a different definition of lending iterator to make this work.

I realize it is similar to the type structure of your library, so probably the LendingIterator definition we were using was wrong from the start. Thank you again, I think we'll be able to work out this idea.

vigna commented 11 months ago

So, in the end this was the idea we were looking for. With a bit of 'static we have been able to make everything work as we were expecting. I credited your contribution in the docs.