danielheyman / stevens-scheduler

Course Scheduler for Stevens Institute of Technology
MIT License
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What's the server doing? #3

Open MyriaCore opened 5 years ago

MyriaCore commented 5 years ago

I'm already aware of the data source located at https://web.stevens.edu/scheduler/core/core.php?cmd=getXML&term={{term}}, however it doesn't provide information on course descriptions, which this server clearly has access to. I might have missed other data types that this source has, but the server is clearly not relying on this data source alone.

If possible, releasing the source code for this https://stevens-scheduler.cfapps.io/p/ server (or pointing me to where it is if I missed it) would be great, thanks!

danielheyman commented 5 years ago

I used a combination of https://web.stevens.edu/scheduler/core/core.php?cmd=getXML&term={{term}} and pdf parsing the descriptions and additional information from the academic catalog pdfs on https://www.stevens.edu/academics/academic-catalog

MyriaCore commented 5 years ago

That's what I figured. Are you okay with releasing the source for it?

Also, how frequently do you update the information on minute-to-minute stuff, like the number of students enrolled in a section?