danielhoeltgen / Dual-Arm-Robot-Force-Controlled-Object-Manipulation

This Repository is the complete workspace of a project that realizes force-controlled object manipulation with a dual-arm-robot (UR5 and UR10)
GNU General Public License v3.0
101 stars 30 forks source link

Setup information needed #2

Open Chunting opened 5 years ago

Chunting commented 5 years ago

Hi, Daniel, Could you please give us more details about this project? such as the setup information and the relationship between different packages? I'm trying to run it in my project, but it failed. Based on your instruction, the command seems wired: roslaunch dual_arm_robot_ros_control_rviz.launch/dual_arm_robot_offline_rviz.launch

Sorry that I'm not a German speaker that I cann't make a reference to your thesis.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks, Chunting

Chunting commented 5 years ago

It seems that the dual_arm_driver wasn't set up correctly. CMakeLists.txt was commented.

Thanks, Chunting

Chunting commented 5 years ago

"tcp_wrench_publisher src/tcp_wrench_publisher.cpp", this file is missing, which is defined in dual_arm_robot_applicaitons

danielhoeltgen commented 5 years ago

Hi Chunting, sorry again for the late response. I will check the notifications settings in github. Could you work it out meanwhile?

Chunting commented 5 years ago

I guess you've graduated and did not work on this project any more. But would you please provide more information about joint_trajectory_admittance_controller? I did not find any codes about force control in package dual_arm_robot_applications.

Sorry for bothering you, I'm trying to implement it in two UR5 arms. Now it can work with MoveIt! to do some path planning, but I'm struggling with how to implement force control. I installed two Robotiq force torque sensors at the end of two arms.

Thanks, Chunting

GuancongLuo commented 3 years ago


Hi, I have same problem.

How are you fix it?