danieljfarrell / pvtrace

Optical ray tracing for luminescent materials and spectral converter photovoltaic devices
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Scene.intersections misses hits and throws exception #35

Closed chrisspen closed 4 years ago

chrisspen commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to test the Scene.intersections functionality with:

from pvtrace import Box, Node, Sphere, Scene

world = Node(

floor = Node(
    geometry=Box((10, 10, 0.1)),

scene = Scene(world)

# Calculate ray looking down, definitely intersects.
ret = scene.intersections(ray_origin=(0,0,10), ray_direction=(0,0,0))
hit_nodes = set(r.hit for r in ret)
print('Intersection:', ret)
assert floor in hit_nodes

# Calculate ray looking up, never intersects.
ret = scene.intersections(ray_origin=(0,0,10), ray_direction=(0,0,1000))
hit_nodes = set(r.hit for r in ret)
print('Intersection:', ret)
assert floor not in hit_nodes

and it's throwing the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "localize.py", line 21, in <module>
    ret = scene.intersections(ray_origin=(0,0,10), ray_direction=(0,0,0))
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pvtrace/scene/scene.py", line 82, in intersections
    all_intersections = self.root.intersections(ray_origin, ray_direction)
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pvtrace/scene/node.py", line 133, in intersections
    child.intersections(ray_origin_in_child, ray_direction_in_child)
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pvtrace/scene/node.py", line 118, in intersections
    points = self.geometry.intersections(ray_origin, ray_direction)
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pvtrace/geometry/mesh.py", line 48, in intersections
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/trimesh/ray/ray_triangle.py", line 107, in intersects_location
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/trimesh/ray/ray_triangle.py", line 66, in intersects_id
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/trimesh/ray/ray_triangle.py", line 203, in ray_triangle_id
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/trimesh/ray/ray_triangle.py", line 311, in ray_triangle_candidates
    ray_candidates[i] = np.array(list(tree.intersection(bounds)),
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rtree/index.py", line 677, in intersection
    p_mins, p_maxs = self.get_coordinate_pointers(coordinates)
  File ".env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rtree/index.py", line 353, in get_coordinate_pointers
    "Coordinates must not have minimums more than maximums")
rtree.core.RTreeError: Coordinates must not have minimums more than maximums

If I change the ray_direction so that's it's looking at (0,0,-1) instead of the origin, then it works. However, I would think it should be able to look at the origin.

Another odd error is that if I use the ray_direction of (1,1,0), which should intersect with the floor, it doesn't register a hit with the floor node.

danieljfarrell commented 4 years ago



This is not a valid direction vector. Try,

ray_direction=(0,0,-1)  # ray going straight down 

This is valid vector,


but not a valid direction vector because the length is not equal to 1. Try,

ray_direction=(0,0,1)  # ray going straight up

This will not intersect with the object, just the scene boundary.

Same for,


You need to normalise all direction vectors before passing them to pvtrace.

chrisspen commented 4 years ago

Ah, I though ray_direction was the point being looked at, not a direction vector. That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. Works well.