danieljperry / LeaveALegacy

A chialisp puzzle example to explore the question: What happens to your crypto when you die?
MIT License
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informatin requested #1

Open forReason opened 1 year ago

forReason commented 1 year ago

Hello Daniel,

this is not really an issue. I hope you are still around and folloring the project. I have been researching documentation and information but (still) found them very sparse.

You seem to be quite well informed for how little information is around. Hence, i would like to ask for sources and where you gathered this information.

Best regards,


danieljperry commented 1 year ago

Hi Julian, I got most of my info for this tutorial from the piggybank videos: https://docs.chia.net/guides/coin-lifecycle-and-testing-video-series/ Also, I now work for CNI so feel free to ask away.

forReason commented 1 year ago

Thats nice.

So what I am trying to do is a fully backed coin. With a fully backed asset, I cannot take the incoming customer funds as earnings. At the same Time I need to earn something. This raises the requirement to have a cat token which allows for a Royalty Percentage, like nfts.

I have been digging through documentations and am in the process of reverse engineering the cat-admin-tool as well as clisp files from the chia project in order to do that. Unfortunately the available information becomes really sparse as soon as you leave the predefined cat road. I want to take the cat_v2 contract and provide my own inner solution in order to hopefully retain compatibility with the chia client but the actual inner puzzle used is nowhere to be found.

danieljperry commented 1 year ago

Any puzzle can be used as the inner puzzle. The standard inner puzzle that CATs use is this one: https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/blob/main/chia/wallet/puzzles/p2_delegated_puzzle_or_hidden_puzzle.clsp

For your solution, maybe you would be interested in the royalty-splitting puzzle that exists for NFTs: https://github.com/Chia-Network/chips/blob/main/CHIPs/chip-0008.md

For quicker response times in discussing your CAT and how to implement it, I suggest joining our Keybase: https://keybase.io/team/chia_network.public