danieljprice / phantom

Phantom Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics code
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setup for tidal disruption event in GR #413

Closed danieljprice closed 1 year ago

danieljprice commented 1 year ago

Type of PR: improved setup procedure

Description: Cleanup of the setup procedure for tidal disruption events in General Relativity. Previously this required compiling with SETUP=grstar and then moddump using moddump_tidal.f90

Now, setup_grtde calls the new general set_star procedure to setup and relax a star. To avoid the need to switch metrics we simply set M=0 in the Kerr or Schwarzschild metric during relaxation, effectively giving a Minkowski metric during the stellar relaxation procedure

I also corrected an issue where we had set ireconav = 1 by default in the .in file for GR simulations, which is problematic if anything gets too close to the black hole. Hence the default setting is now ireconav=-1. This fixes #333

Testing: 1000 particle GR tidal disruption event with polytrope works out-of-the-box

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