danieljprice / phantom

Phantom Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics code
103 stars 223 forks source link

Reported angle between disc and binary can be wrong for circumprimary disc #444

Open emborchert opened 1 year ago

emborchert commented 1 year ago

Setup file:

# resolution
                  np =     1000000    ! number of gas particles

# units
           dist_unit =          au    ! distance unit (e.g. au,pc,kpc,0.1pc)
           mass_unit =      solarm    ! mass unit (e.g. solarm,jupiterm,earthm)

# central object(s)/potential
            icentral =           1    ! use sink particles or external potential (0=potential,1=sinks)
              nsinks =           2    ! number of sinks
             ibinary =           0    ! binary orbit (0=bound,1=unbound [flyby])

# options for binary
                  m1 =       1.400    ! primary mass
                  m2 =       0.900    ! secondary mass
            binary_a =        700.    ! binary semi-major axis
            binary_e =       0.900    ! binary eccentricity
            binary_i =       0.000    ! i, inclination (deg)
            binary_O =       0.000    ! Omega, PA of ascending node (deg)
            binary_w =         90.    ! w, argument of periapsis (deg)
            binary_f =        180.    ! f, initial true anomaly (deg,180=apastron)
               accr1 =       0.500    ! primary accretion radius
               accr2 =       0.500    ! secondary accretion radius

# options for multiple discs
      use_binarydisc =           F    ! setup circumbinary disc
     use_primarydisc =           T    ! setup circumprimary disc
   use_secondarydisc =           F    ! setup circumsecondary disc
      use_global_iso =           F    ! globally isothermal or Farris et al. (2014)

# options for circumprimary gas disc
      isetgasprimary =           0    ! how to set gas density profile (0=total disc mass,1=mass within annulus,2=surface density normalisation,3=surface density at reference radius,4=minimum Toomre Q)
    itapergasprimary =           F    ! exponentially taper the outer disc profile
   ismoothgasprimary =           T    ! smooth inner disc
        iwarpprimary =           F    ! warp disc
         R_inprimary =       1.000    ! inner radius
        R_refprimary =       1.000    ! reference radius
        R_outprimary =         60.    ! outer radius
       disc_mprimary =     0.00167    ! disc mass
       pindexprimary =       1.000    ! power law index of surface density sig=sig0*r^-p
       qindexprimary =       0.500    ! power law index of sound speed cs=cs0*r^-q
      posanglprimary =        280.    ! position angle (deg)
         inclprimary =         18.    ! inclination (deg)
          H_Rprimary =       0.050    ! H/R at R=R_ref
             alphaSS =       0.005    ! desired alphaSS

# set planets
            nplanets =           0    ! number of planets

# thermal stratification
           discstrat =           0    ! stratify disc? (0=no,1=yes)

# timestepping
             norbits =           1    ! maximum number of binary orbits
              deltat =       0.010    ! output interval as fraction of orbital period

# mcfost
          use_mcfost =           T    ! use the mcfost library
    use_mcfost_stars =           F    ! Fix the stellar parameters to mcfost values or update using sink mass
mcfost_computes_Lacc =           T    ! Should mcfost compute the accretion luminosity
mcfost_dust_sublimat =           T    ! Should mcfost do dust sublimation

./phantomsetup output:

# Disc total angular momentum =  1.34E+51 g*cm^2/sec

 Disc specific angular momentum = (  3.47E-01  -1.97E+00   8.84E+00 )
 Binary specific angular momentum = (  0.00E+00   0.00E+00   4.58E+00 )
 Angle between disc and binary =   12.8 deg

 There is no dust here!

 reset CofM: (-3.78E-01  9.48E-17  0.00E+00 ) -> (-4.94E-14  6.58E-20  0.00E+00 )