danieljprice / phantom

Phantom Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics code
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disc viscosity should be a runtime parameter? #453

Open danieljprice opened 1 year ago

danieljprice commented 1 year ago

currently DISC_VISCOSITY=yes is set by default in SETUP=disc, but this can be misused, e.g. in simulations where the desire is simply to minimise the numerical viscosity. In this case DISC_VISCOSITY is NOT the right thing to do and one should simply rely on only what dissipation is necessary for shock capturing.

It would be better to ask the user for the desired alphaSS value in the .setup file, and if set to zero, simply set the regular shock switch so that alphamin=0

it would also be better if disc_viscosity = F or disc_viscosity=T appeared in the .in file to make it more obvious what the user is choosing to do