danielkariv / BotCraft

BotCraft is a web application for designing chatbots using a node-based editor, and running using NLP on Telegram.
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Node Based editors worth looking at #6

Closed danielkariv closed 1 year ago

danielkariv commented 1 year ago

Right now, the code uses Rete.JS with it's old renderer. I would prefer to have something nicer to look at. the Vue/React renderers seems to look the same. So either redesign or switching to something else is better. We could keep going with it or we could select a new library:

Look at React Flow, it seems it's export similar looking JSON, so overall it seems like they are all very similar in features. The chatbot in JointJS is interesting:


It comes with item menu on the left, a node insepection panel on the right, and the data on the bottom. We can't use it because it is cost money (3000$??) but if I could develop something that look like that, I would be more than happy :D

danielkariv commented 1 year ago

Rete.js developer have release Rete.JS v2 beta so I switched for it, it got better api and docs. Docs can be found here: https://retejs.org/ It looks like that:


Note: nodes still needs to be changed to fit bot functions.

danielkariv commented 1 year ago

As it is part of UI redesign, I added the changes to it's branch. Will get merge with main when the UI will be ready.