danielkraak / GC-Loader

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Updater should ask for user to confirm FW write if current FW version matches FW to be flashed #21

Open lordviceroy opened 3 years ago

lordviceroy commented 3 years ago

I discovered after I updated my GCLoader to 1.1.2 that if I re-ran the updater, it would re-flash 1.1.2 even though it matched the firmware I currently had on the device. This struck me as a bit odd since most devices I've used will either refuse to flash the same version or they will prompt the user to confirm before re-writing the same firmware version to the device. My feeling is the GCLoader updater should exhibit one of the below behaviors instead:

This is a minor nit, so feel free to kick the can down the road. Thanks to all of the contributors on this project for their hard work!