danielkraak / GC-Loader

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Sound dropping out in 1.1.2 #24

Closed orcutt989 closed 2 years ago

orcutt989 commented 2 years ago

I just installed a GC Loader on my DOL-001 US-NTSC console.

I'm using a GC HD plug and play by eon for audio/video via HDMI.

I noticed when playing any game now (Rogue Squadron 2, Auto Modellista, Disney Skate to new a few) the audio is dropping out every 30 seconds for 2-5 seconds.

I just updated my GC Loader to 1.1.2 and am using Swiss v0.5r1154.

Apologies if this is a Swiss problem, I am not sure.

I was using an older version of Swiss burned to a mini-DVD with an SD card via sd2sp2 and didn't have issues with these same games.


GabeShack commented 2 years ago

Have you tried a different SD card?

orcutt989 commented 2 years ago

Thats actually what I was going to ask. I have a brand new Sandisk Ultra that I was using in the Sp2 port with a burned swiss disk no problem. Now its in the GC loader and I didnt realize it couldnt write so I put a REALLY crappy old micro sd in the sp2 slot. Could that be the problem? I ordered another sandisk ultra, but then I just saw this beta firmware for the GC loader with write support I was also going to try.

orcutt989 commented 2 years ago

Ok i just tried my brand new sd card in the sp2 slot and am getting audio drop out. Will try beta firmware.

orcutt989 commented 2 years ago

OK I tried with swiss 1184 and gc loader 2.0.0 beta firmware, but am getting same results. I set the config device to GC Loader. I tried going swiss 1123 that explicitly says it has gc loader 2.0.0 support, but same results.

Extrems commented 2 years ago

If you have GCVideo-DVI v3.0 or later, under "Advanced settings", set "Sample rate hack" to On. If you're on an older version, contact EON for a firmware update, or use analog audio.

orcutt989 commented 2 years ago

Awesome thanks. I will try this. I noticed Swiss still says no SD card detected when I have configuration item set to GC Loader. Is that expected?

Extrems commented 2 years ago

This is currently expected. It doesn't function as its own patch device yet.

orcutt989 commented 2 years ago

Even using the new beta GC Loader firmware 2.0.0 with write support?

orcutt989 commented 2 years ago

Wow alright seems like the sample rate hack fixed it.

GabeShack commented 2 years ago

If that fixed it you should probably close the issue.