danielkraak / GC-Loader

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Gamecube boot sequence gets skipped #6

Closed tedmahsun closed 4 years ago

tedmahsun commented 4 years ago

Just curious if this is normal behavior? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRNHyb3PexM

The Gamecube boot sequence immediately gets skipped before Swiss is loaded. It's so fast my OSSC barely has time to sync. I'm on firmware 1.0.1 and I'm wondering if the "decreased FPGA boot time" has anything to do with it?

Extrems commented 4 years ago

This is something Swiss is doing. It has nothing to do with the GC Loader.

tedmahsun commented 4 years ago

Ah I see. Ok, I'll go ask this on the Swiss github then. Thanks!