danielkrizian / rChartsDygraphs

An `rCharts` extension. Run `dygraphs` from R - interactive visualizations of time series using JavaScript and HTML canvas. See: http://dygraphs.com/ and
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Milliseconds data detection and plotting #7

Open danielkrizian opened 10 years ago

danielkrizian commented 10 years ago

Detect the dataset resolution and automagically switch between the parser modes.

JavaScript millisecond parsing here (WIP) : https://github.com/danielkrizian/dygraphs/issues/12

Other resources: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/dygraphs-users/qAKQndJvkRE http://dygraphs.com/data.html

TonyDIRL commented 10 years ago


Apologies for the delay. After guidance from the dygraph users group there is a working jfiddle of using millisecond plotting: http://jsfiddle.net/kaliatech/DfWNz/3/

So to accomplish this in R, I think we'd first need to convert POSIXlt objects to milliseconds since epoch and enclose within "#! !#". As a reference here is an example of millisecond plotting in highcharts:

Data_xts=xts(1:npoints, as.POSIXlt(1366039619, tz="GMT", origin="1970-01-01") + round(runif(npoints,1,50)))
DataDF$Date=paste("#!", as.numeric(strptime((DataDF$Date), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS"))*1000, "!#")

HCGraph <- Highcharts$new()
HCGraph$yAxis(list(title = list(text = 'Data1') ) )
HCGraph$series(data = toJSONArray2(DataDF[,c('Date','RandomData')], json = F, names = F),enableMouseTracking=TRUE,shadow=FALSE,name = "Data1",type = "line")
HCGraph$xAxis(type = "datetime"); HCGraph$chart(zoomType = "x")

Then based on the jfiddle we need to ass custom axisLabelFormatter and valueFormatter functions.

myChart$setOpts(axisLabelFormatter = "#! function (d, gran) {
                  return Dygraph.zeropad(d.getHours()) + ":" + Dygraph.zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ":" + Dygraph.zeropad(d.getSeconds()) + "." + Dygraph.zeropad(d.getMilliseconds());
              } !#")
myChart$setOpts(valueFormatter = "#! function (ms) {
                  var d = new Date(ms);
                  return Dygraph.zeropad(d.getHours()) + ":" + Dygraph.zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ":" + Dygraph.zeropad(d.getSeconds()) + "." + Dygraph.zeropad(d.getMilliseconds());

Unforuntately, I was unable to get this to work - could you take a look please.


danielkrizian commented 10 years ago

After I edited your comment with adding ``r blocks around the code, I noticed that"in":"interfere with"#! !#". Replace inside"quotes with equivalent'`.

Thanks for providing example data and jsfiddle. Reproducible code of what you have tried so far with Dygraph would be also nice.

I was able to produce something like this:

# second data:
# Data_xts=xts(1:npoints, as.POSIXlt(1366039619, tz="GMT", origin="1970-01-01") + round(runif(npoints,1,50)))
# millisecond data:
Data_xts=xts(1:npoints, as.POSIXlt(1366039619, tz="GMT", origin="1970-01-01") + rnorm(npoints, 500000, 250000)/1000000)

myChart = dygraph(Data_xts)
    ticker="#! Dygraph.dateTicker !#",
    axisLabelFormatter = "#! function (d, gran) {
                              return Dygraph.zeropad(d.getHours()) + ':' + 
                                     Dygraph.zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ':' + 
                                     Dygraph.zeropad(d.getSeconds()) + '.' + 
                             } !#",
    valueFormatter = "#! function (ms) {
                          var d = new Date(ms);
                          return Dygraph.zeropad(d.getHours()) + ':' + 
                          Dygraph.zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ':' + 
                          Dygraph.zeropad(d.getSeconds()) + '.' + 
                         } !#"


Second data: image Millisecond data: image

Note that time is off by exactly 1 hour, but that's problem in general with daylight saving offset I think and evident with daily frequency data too. Let me know how does that work for your case. Once this use case is mature, I will implement automatic formatting based on data frequency detection in the Dygraph ReferenceClass.

TonyDIRL commented 10 years ago

Thanks for catching the double versus single quotes parsing error. Apologies, I provided second rather than millisecond level data yesterday, updated as:

Data_xts=xts(1:npoints, as.POSIXlt(1366039619, tz="GMT", origin="1970-01-01") + rnorm(npoints, 500000, 250000)/1000000)

I confirm your suggested changes work with the exception of how the data is passed to dygraph. Passing the data.frame directly:

 myChart = dygraph(DataDF)

Result in POSIXlt complaining about the format - so I assume it is still trying to obtain a date object. Where passing in the xts object directly worked with issue

 myChart = dygraph(Data_xts)

Out of interest how do you plan to automatically detect data frequency?

danielkrizian commented 10 years ago

Yes sorry, was typing that fast, I meant myChart = dygraph(Data_xts). Thanks for the millisecond update, edited my prev comment accordingly.

Out of interest how do you plan to automatically detect data frequency?

Don't know yet, focusing on other parts for the time being. Any suggestions, contributions welcome! Feel free to fork, develop and I will make sure to answer your specific questions, review and accept your pull request :)

TonyDIRL commented 10 years ago

Sure, I'll fork and have a go.

hallegue commented 8 years ago

Hi I tried your code in order to display milliseconds in a dygraph plot but when I run this code:

        ticker="#! Dygraph.dateTicker !#",
        axisLabelFormatter = "#! function (d, gran) {
        return Dygraph.zeropad(d.getHours()) + ':' + 
        Dygraph.zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ':' + 
        Dygraph.zeropad(d.getSeconds()) + '.' + 
        } !#",
        valueFormatter = "#! function (ms) {
        var d = new Date(ms);
        return Dygraph.zeropad(d.getHours()) + ':' + 
        Dygraph.zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ':' + 
        Dygraph.zeropad(d.getSeconds()) + '.' + 
        } !#"

I got this error:

Error: attempt to apply non-function

Do you know what to fix it?

danielkrizian commented 8 years ago

@Haycen please note that the active development has moved to rstudio/dygraphs repository and they track the sub-second handling issue.