Open danielkrizian opened 10 years ago
#' Sortino Ratio #' TODO: currently supports only constant MAR #' @export compute.sortino <- function(R, MAR=0) { f = compute.annual.factor(R) R = coredata(R) if(is.null(dim(MAR))) excess.R <- R - MAR else (stop("MAR vector not yet supported")) MARlabel <- paste(round(mean(MAR) * 100, 3), "%)", sep = "") return( sqrt(f) * mean(excess.R) / compute.downside.deviation(R, MAR=MAR) ) } #' Equity curve versus moving average (old mom) #' #' @export compute.momentum <- function( R ,equity=equity.index(R, continuous=F, base=1, na.fill=list(0,0,0)) ,lag.n=0 ,smooth.n=1 ) { if(length(equity) < smooth.n) return(as.numeric(NA)) ma <- lag(SMA(equity, n=smooth.n),k=lag.n, na.pad=F) last(equity) / last(ma) - 1 } #' Compute Market-Timing Premium #' #' Excess return over long/short position bias adjusted market benchmark #' @param R vector of strategy returns #' @param pos vector of strategy positions #' @param Rb vector of raw market returns #' @export compute.mean.excess.return <- function( R, pos, Rb ){ mean(R-Rb * pos) } #' Some Title #' #' @export compute.edge <- function( strategy, pars, dates=NULL, portfolio=Test(strategy,pars, dates=dates, details=F, returns=F) ){ rObs <- Returns(portfolio, type="periods", reduce=T, refresh=F) n <- NROW(rObs) if(n<2) return(0.5) rBench = Returns(portfolio=Benchmark(type="Random", portfolio=portfolio),reduce=F) muObs <- mean(rObs,na.rm=T) mu <- mean(rBench,na.rm=T) s <- sd(rObs, na.rm=T) statistic = (muObs - mu) / (s / sqrt(n)) p.value <- pnorm(-statistic) return(p.value) } compute.twr <- function(equity=cumprod(1 + R), R=NULL) return( compute.downside.deviation <- function (R, MAR = 0, method = c("full", "subset")) { method = method[1] R <- as.vector(R) if (!is.null(dim(MAR))) MAR = mean(checkData(MAR, method = "vector")) r = subset(R, R < MAR) switch(method, full = { len = length(R) }, subset = { len = length(r) }) # if (!is.null(dim(MAR))) MAR = as.numeric(Return.annualized(MAR,geometric=FALSE)) # MARlabel <- paste("Downside Deviation (MAR = ", round(MAR * 100, 1), "%)", sep = "") return(sqrt(sum((r - MAR)^2)/len)) } #' Kestner Ratio #' #' @export compute.kestner <- compute.kratio <- function(equity=cumprod(1 + R), R=NULL, adjust.n=F) { # adjust.n - divide by number of datapoints # adjust.n discussion (Zephyr K-ratio): # # formulas: # amibroker implementation: n = nrow(equity) xt = 1:n log.e = coredata(log(equity)) mod = summary(lm( log.e ~ xt )) slope = mod$coefficients['xt', 'Estimate'] slope.stde = mod$coefficients['xt', 'Std. Error'] k = slope/(slope.stde) if(adjust.n) k = k / n return(k) } #' Monte Carlo drawdown #' #' @export compute.MCDD <- function(R=wf$R[wf$R!=0], conf=.95, samples=1000, parallel=F){ require(np) require(boot) R <- R[R!=0] if(any( stop("Clean NAs in R input in compute.MCDD") if(parallel){ parallel="snow" ncpus=detectCores() cl=createCluster(parVar=c("Equity","string.range"), packages="xts") } else { parallel="no" ncpus=1 cl=NULL } block.length <-,round=T)[1] # for "geom", mean of blocks dist. bootstrap <- tsboot(tseries=R ,statistic=compute.max.drawdown ,R=samples ,sim="geom" #"geom" ,l=block.length ,parallel=parallel ,ncpus=ncpus ,cl=cl) MCDD <- quantile(bootstrap$t, probs=1-conf) names(MCDD) <- NULL return (MCDD) } #' Time in market #' #' @export <- function(pos=bt$pos) { # Calculates percentage time the strategy signals position in the market. # Args: # pos: position matrix, where columns are symbols, rows are positions for the following period, coded as one of the values: {NA, -1, 0, 1} # Returns: # percentage of observations that are non-zero and non-NA. Columnnames are symbols. if(ncol(pos)>1) stop(" not ready for multi-column b$pos") sum(pos != 0, na.rm=TRUE) / nrow(pos) } #' RINA ratio #' #' total net profit, divides it by the average drawdown and divides it again by the percent time in the market. #' #' @export compute.rina <- function(R) { } #' The e-ratio quantifies the edge by calculating the overall amount trades go in your favor versus the overall amount trades go against you. #' eratio <- function() {} Checklist: statistics[['cagr']] <- c("CAGR","Annualized Return") statistics[['excess']] <- c("Excess Return") statistics[['twr']] <- c("TWR") statistics[['total.return']] <- c('Total Return') statistics[['sigma']] <- c("Volatility","Annualized StDev") statistics[['max.drawdown']] <- c("Max Drawdown","Max Daily Drawdown","Max DD") statistics[['avg.drawdown']] <- c('Average Drawdown') statistics[['avg.drawdown.length']] <- c('Avg Drawdown Length') statistics[["sharpe"]] <- c("Sharpe", "Sharpe Ratio") statistics[["sortino"]] <- c("Sortino", "Sortino Ratio") statistics[["dvr"]] <- c("DVR") statistics[["mar"]] <- c("MAR") statistics[["trades.per.year"]] <- c('Trades Per Year','Avg Trades Per Year') statistics[['']] <- c('Time In Market','Percent In Market','Exposure') statistics[['win.rate']] <- c("Win Rate","Hit Ratio", "Trade Winning %") statistics[['avg.pnl']] <- c("Average Trade","Average P&L","Avg P&L","Average Trade P&L", "Avg Trade P&L", "Avg Trade") statistics[['win.avg.pnl']]<-c("Average Win") statistics[['loss.avg.pnl']]<-c("Average Loss") statistics[['win.loss.ratio']]<-c("Win/Loss Ratio", "W/L Ratio") statistics[['']]<-c("Best Trade") statistics[['']]<-c("Worst Trade") statistics[['']]<-c('Avg Days in Trade') statistics[["ntrades"]] <- c("Trades") statistics[["expectancy"]] <- c("Expectancy") statistics[["profit.factor"]] <- c("Profit Factor") statistics[["win.months.rate"]] <- c('% Winning Months') statistics[["win.month.avg.return"]] <- c('Average Winning Month') statistics[["loss.month.avg.return"]] <- c('Average Losing Month') statistics[["best.month"]] <- c('Best Month') statistics[["worst.month"]] <- c('Worst Month') statistics[["win.years.rate"]] <- c('% Winning Years') statistics[["best.year"]] <- c('Best Year') statistics[["worst.year"]] <- c('Worst Year') statistics[["win.12m.rate"]] <- c('Positive 12 Month Periods') statistics[["time.period"]] <- c('Time Period') out$win.len = mean( tlen[ tpnl > 0 ]) out$loss.len = mean( tlen[ tpnl < 0 ]) out$Win.Percent.Day = sum(bt$ret > 0, na.rm = T) / len(bt$ret) out$Best.Day = bt$best out$Worst.Day = bt$worst 'Skew'=, 'Kurt'=, CAGR.MaxDD=, U.Capture=, D.Capture=, U.Number=, D.Number=, U.Pctge=, D.Pctge=,