danielkrupinski / OneByteRadar

CS:GO radar hack achieved by patching one byte of game memory. Written in Python 3.
MIT License
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I made some improvements #4

Open Baptiste-A opened 3 years ago

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago


I really like your cheat so I made improvements (only for usability) :

import pymem
import re
from pynput import keyboard
from termcolor import colored

running = False

try:  # checks if csgo is opened
    pm = pymem.Pymem('csgo.exe')

    def on_press(key):  # starts key listener
            k = key.char  # single-char keys
            k = key.name  # other keys
        if k in ['p']:  # keys of interest
            global running
            if not running:  # if cheat wasn't running, runs it
                print(colored('Running...', 'green'))
                running = True
            elif running:  # if cheat was running, stops it
                print(colored('Not running...', 'red'))
                running = False

            # --------------------------- cheat himself -------------------------------------
            pm = pymem.Pymem('csgo.exe')

            client = pymem.process.module_from_name(pm.process_handle,

            clientModule = pm.read_bytes(client.lpBaseOfDll, client.SizeOfImage)
            address = client.lpBaseOfDll + re.search(rb'\x80\xB9.{5}\x74\x12\x8B\x41\x08',
                                                     clientModule).start() + 6

            pm.write_uchar(address, 0 if pm.read_uchar(address) != 0 else 2)

            # ---------------------------- end of cheat -------------------------------------

    listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press)
    listener.start()  # start to listen on a separate thread
    listener.join()  # remove if main thread is polling self.keys

except pymem.exception.ProcessNotFound:  # if csgo isn't running,
                                         # catches the error and prints something readable
    print(colored("CS:GO isn't running...", 'red'))
zlataovce commented 3 years ago

Your code looks really great! Maybe you could make a pull request. I believe you have a mistake at the bottom except part, you have an over-indented comment right under the except: # catches the error and prints something readable . But if it works, it's good enough for me.

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

Your code looks really great! Maybe you could make a pull request. I believe you have a mistake at the bottom except part, you have an over-indented comment right under the except: # catches the error and prints something readable . But if it works, it's good enough for me.

thanks man, I indented it too much on purpose in order for it to align to the one above it since it's the following. The code works very well, I use it on my smurf account almost every day and no VAC ban yet

zlataovce commented 3 years ago

From my experience, VAC tends to be very delayed with bans. It took my account 3 months to get banned.

Maybe we could collaborate on a project :) Keep up the great work!

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

From my experience, VAC tends to be very delayed with bans. It took my account 3 months to get banned.

Maybe we could collaborate on a project :) Keep up the great work!

We will see... I will keep you guys up to date with my VAC situation. Yes of course, I'll appreciate it :)

vivxk commented 3 years ago

hi does this still work or it's outdated now??

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

hi does this still work or it's outdated now??

Hello, yep still working like a charm :)

vivxk commented 3 years ago

ok thx mate :)

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

hello, I didn't found it, it was already in danielkrupinski's code

markito12 commented 3 years ago

hello, I didn't found it, it was already in danielkrupinski's code

You didnt get banned yet?

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

hello, I didn't found it, it was already in danielkrupinski's code

You didnt get banned yet?

Not yet :)

ghost commented 3 years ago

you get banned?

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

you get banned?


ghost commented 3 years ago

I'm making my own cheat in python, and learning more about this language, thanks for you and all community what made projects like this as public!

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

I'm making my own cheat in python, and learning more about this language, thanks for you and all community what made projects like this as public!

Np dude but I didn’t made most of the job

Sniferrrr commented 3 years ago

hi, how can i contact you? I need your help

Sniferrrr commented 3 years ago

Baptiste-A, hi, how can i contact you? I need your help

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

Baptiste-A, hi, how can i contact you? I need your help

Hello, I don’t think I’ll be able to help you much because I didn’t code the cheat itself

talk2g commented 3 years ago

you get banned?


does this inject into cs like any other normal cheat? (example osiris) or is it different since its on python?

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

you get banned?


does this inject into cs like any other normal cheat? (example osiris) or is it different since its on python?

No, it doesn’t inject anything, it just reads the game data stored in the ram

talk2g commented 3 years ago

@Baptiste-A that means vac cant detect it? since nothing is being modified at all? or m i wrong

Baptiste-A commented 3 years ago

@Baptiste-A that means vac cant detect it? since nothing is being modified at all? or m i wrong

The only thing that is being modified is the red dots on your radar but it’s client side so I dont think il will be detected soon

talk2g commented 3 years ago

thx for help

GabrielDourado37 commented 4 months ago

@Baptiste-A were you banned for this?

Baptiste-A commented 4 months ago

No, but i'll not try it on cs2 if I were you ...

vivxk commented 4 months ago

has anyone tried it on cs2?