danielkrupinski / Osiris

Cross-platform game hack for Counter-Strike 2 with Panorama-based GUI.
MIT License
3.31k stars 960 forks source link

I cant write to sdk Osiris pls help me #2373

Closed pixelsurf123 closed 3 years ago

pixelsurf123 commented 3 years ago

Who can write that code " if ((g_LocalPlayer->m_fFlags() & FL_ONGROUND) && g_LocalPlayer->IsAlive()) if (g_Options.edge_bug && GetAsyncKeyState(g_Options.edge_bug_key)) cmd->buttons = 4; prediction->EndPrediction();"

On sdk Osiris Please

franiodat commented 3 years ago

no one will help you, cuz you're lazy paster -_-

EDIT: u asking someone to do the job for u, probably u didn't even tryied to do it yourself

daisuki333 commented 3 years ago

Here are some websites to help you: www.learncpp.com - for learning c++ https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013 - valve's source development kit for gaining some understanding